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Rob: I was born in Caracas, Venezuela while my fat...

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  • 52 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Весы
  • West Palm Beach, США
  • Английский, Испанский, Итальянский
  • Writer
  • без детей
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 5 октября 2015 г.

  • E-Mail или ID: 1000705862
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Рост 6'0" - 6'1" (181-185см)
Тип тела Привлекательное
Этническая принадлежность Испанский
Религия Христианин
Матримониальное положение не замужем/холост
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Ищу в возрасте 31-50
Ищу, требования к росту 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170см)
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения Привлекательное
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  • Друзья:
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela while my father toured as a singer. My mother was only eight months into the pregnancy; I guess I just couldn't wait another month (which explains my tendency for being impatient). Although born in Venezuela, my mother was (is) American, so my birth certificate says U.S. Citizen Born Abroad.

I'm an independent writer. I write fiction (horror and non-fiction;

I came here because I've been isolating too much for the past months. Writing (especially as an indie) is tough work. It's all on me; if I don't make it happen, it ain't flying. I spend many hours in front of a computer writing, formatting the books, designing the covers and submitting the work for final approval and distribution.

I love what I do; it places my fate in my own hands. Success or failure will depend on my ability (or inability) to push ahead no matter what. I love the quote from the 2006 movie Rocky Balboa. In it, Rocky tells his son: "Let me tell you something you already know.The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit aand keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!
Описание идеального партнера:
My perfect match. Tough question. I may have a mental picture of what I think is 'perfect' yet end up with somebody completely different. So, for me, the perfect match happens when, right away, it is easy and fun to talk to her. If we can be laughing within 15 minutes of having met, I think that is a good sign. A perfect match is when we connect one-on-one with each other without any BS like: a super inflated ego (It's all about me) pretentiousness (lying about who he, she is and what they do) judgements (on appearance, clothing, jewelry (or lack of it) and, the very worst of all - Grandiosity: I am better looking, have nicer clothing,more jewelry, intelligence, I have a 6-figure job, drive a nice Beamer etc.. Grandiosity is total BS anyways because one day we got it all, but who knows what we will have to face the next day. The perfect match can be identified with a totally relaxed environment. The mental chatter box is silenced and we can start to talk (about things that really matter). IIt's also a lot more fun this way because inhibitions tend to disappear; we can be more honest and spontaneous. I recall meeting a "perfect match' lady some years ago. She invited me to a salsa dance club. (I'm a musician, but I have flat feet and have never done much dancing). I got very nervous, but we had made such a deep connection that I said "what the hell" and danced salsa (badly).I didn't allow my pretentious attitude of "I don't dance salsa" to ruin the 'perfect match' experience.

The ideal first mate would encompass lots of spontaneous talking, laughing, eating, drinking and, if the mood so strikes, going to see a movie, going for a walk; getting on a few rides (I love the Ferris Wheel) at the nearest festival, our feet dangling in mid air as the ride starts to elevate itself toward the clouds. More conversation, more laughter... does time really exist anymore? I don't think so! There cannot be a lasting relationship if there isn't a deep soul connection; and that connection can blossom effortlessly when communication is unafraid, spontaneous, silly and, above all, honest. In truth, the only way to experience that ideal first date is to find your "perfect match." They go hand in hand with one another. Overall as an ideal date, I like to give myself fully to that person, even if later she wants nothing to do with me. As long as I give my utmost to the date, it will always be ideal because I acted with honesty and class. And who knows? Maybe that ONE day she didn't like me for a myriad of reasons (bad day at work, coming off a bad relationship etc...), but in a few weeks she might remember me, how I behaved and treated her with such flawless respect... She may indeed dial my phone number again, after all. 😃 Bottom line: Whether or not a date is ideal is totally on me because I operate completely on personal responsibility, not on being a victim. However, nine times out of ten, when I give it my all and treat that lady right, she also will respond.
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2015-01-13Brief Into1280 x 720 1:30View
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