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Wwillaim: Honorable,Faithful and True!!! ...

Send FREE message to WhiteKnight67
  • 56 y/o male, Zodiac: Libra
  • Los Osos , USA
  • English
  • Illustration and Designs
  • without children
  • Last online: 5 June 2014

  • ID: 1000306867
Private details and contact information
Personal details
Sex male
Children without children
Want children I will tell you later
Height 5'10" - 5'11" (176-180cm)
Body type Average
Ethnicity Caucasian
Marital status Single
Education Higher Education
Smoker Often
Drinker Rarely
Details of the person you are looking for
I look for a female
Looking for an age range 21-41
Looking for a height
Looking for a body type Slim
Relationship Activity Partner, Friendship, Relationship, Romance, Casual, Travel Partner, Pen Pal
Honorable,Faithful and True!!!

Please allow me to interduce myself,I'm Sir William.It's my pleasure!
I'm a kind and gentle man i would like to think.I love Passion and Romance.I also love loyalty and honesty!I like the nature and the out doors.I have many hobies,i will have to share!I love to spend time with my lady freind ,relaxing,snuggling and being freinds i'm kinda old fashion , i like to treat my lady freind kindly and meet her needs and be there for here.I'm a hard working man and earn my keep .I like things nice and clean and neat.I love to have fun and laugh ,it's good for you.

Well i'am an educated Sir,i have a High School Diploma.I have went to a Cuesta CollegeSan Luis Obispo,Ca.(USA) for about 2 1/2 yrs.I am a Fine Arts Major with a Metal Tech Minor.I stopped going to Ceusta College and Apprenticed a Jeweler(Gold Smith),for about 4 to 5 yrs and became a Jeweler(Gold Smith).Then i i contracted myself out as a Jewelry Designer and Repair man.Then shortly after i opened a Jewelry store called "Platinum Crown Jewelry",i had my store for about 7 yrs and then i had to move,so i closed my store.So now i do construction and landsaping and other jobs.I will start doing more jewelry in a little while.So i work constuction part and full time and take care of the property which is a lot of work if you let things get out of control.It takes some work to keep up the place!!Theres more to tell ,but i must save that for our private conversations.

I have traveled a bit i must say,not a whole lot,but i have traveled.I have visted most of the Western half of the United States.Let's see,then i went to Manchester (UK) and to Amsterdam(Holland), i think thats about it for the traveling.Oh Yes! I would love to visit another county of course!

Well, i use to live in the city in a harbor named LOs Osos,Ca.USAI lived there for many years,then i moved out to the county called California Valley,Ca.USA on to some property ,It's about 45 miles or 1 hr from any town.So i spend a lot of time at the house on the property and go in to town for supplies and things of that nature.

Some times i go into town for a night on the town but not very often,for i have no maiden to spend my time with.But i do love a night on the town,sure i like a few drinks every so often,but i like to go to the movies and go play billards,i'm pretty good!Dress up nice and go for a nice dinner in town.I also love to cook,so staying home is not that bad,i can cook a few good meals and bbq anything,but my sweet!! I can make a great Breakfast!Oh Yes!!bacon and eggs with hashbrowns,omletts, oh yes and i make a mean bowl of cereal!Any kind you like, i can put it in a bowl and gently pour milk over it for you!!!!!

Well let's see here,i like sports.Some of the more medevil sports like Foil Fencing,Archery(Long Bow),Horse Back Riding and Falconry!

I'am also skilled in Roller Blading,Roller Hockey,Yoga,Tai Chi,Paint Ball(You Don't Want Any of This!)Drawing (Pencil & Ink) and a few others.

I love the beaches and the lakes,Swimming,Jet Sking and Scuba Diving.The out doors is very nice also,i like to hike and go camping.

Watching the stars is a favorite of mine,looking for Celestreal Bodies in the Heavens.Like the Little and Big Dipper and of course the Milkyway!!!!I would love to get a Map of the Constalations and get a blanket,bottle of wine(Red) and lay under the stars together with my Lovely Maiden and find other the Constalations hidden to the naked eye!What Joyous fun!With a little romance!!

I must be totally honest here,Like a lone Knight, I have little money and work hard for what i have.My gold pouch is not to big ,but i survive and live comfortably.This messaging system is going to ware a hole in my gold pouch!Ouch!

So Please don't exspect a Kingdom out of me!

I have much to give in my heart! It could be like heaven!

**I would really love to be able to write Postal Mail to my Lovely Maiden,Yes,send her scolls of kindness.It would be my pleasure to find her small and unigue treasures of her liking!I may find treasures also, that i see fit for my Lovely Maiden!

I would also like to visit or be visisted by my lovely maiden.I would ride hard for days,through sleet and snow ,there would be no river to wide enough and no mountain high enough to stop me from seeing my Maiden.I would romance my maiden daily!It's would be a pleasure!!I would whisper sweet nothings to her and wait pateintly for her every word in a messsage she would write for me !!!We would have to work together to make things happen for us,for we would both what to be with each other!I could only hope love would keep us together. **XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO's**

This should be a fun thing to do for both of us,done with feelings and kindness.With laughter and smiles.With a funny feeling in side every time we talk and look at each others photo's.

I will try not to waste your time!!I think the worst that can happen is that we would become freinds!!!!Whiteknight's make good freinds.

It has been brought to my attention!,why am i looking for ladies in the Russia !!!I 'am very interested in having serious realations as freinds ,if things develope into a more intiment relationship!!,Well then ,So Be It!!!!Why in another country??Because , i would like a lady freind or maiden that is unigue!From a forein land and can share her way of life with me!!I would be fasinated and honored to be her freind and possibly her Champion!!!!It would be my pleasure to share the ways of my land or country with you and be your freind and guide!!!Your values for life are different , i like that !!! Kind of old fashion in some senses!!Well those are some of the reasons ,i will whisper softly in your ear !!All the rest of the reasons!!!
I bid you good day meladies!!!

I'am also kinda picky about my freinds and lovers!!I do not go chasing after every lady i see!!!!! Physical beauty is one thing ,but inner beauty is a totally seperate treasure indeed!!! !!!

With the Good, there is the Bad!!!!Well maidens i would like to get the e-mail address or address of the maidens i 'm spending time talking to!!Creating freindships!!I understand after 15 opened letters i can ask for your address and if you permit me to get it from you, i must let you see a background check on me!!! No problem!Ladies <Be carefull !I have NOT answered any letters to any of YOU ,in the last 12 yrs!Someone is using my e-mail address!I'm trying to fix it as fast as i can!(All MY LOVE) I would do all most any thing to start new relationships!I have to be totally honest here!!I have been to prison here in the USA!!For a short time !!!I'm not proud of that!! I got in to a fight with another gentleman ,this went on for a couple of years !! he felt threatened and filed charges on me !!!I have not psysically harmed anyone ,he was in fear of thw words i used!!you wil see !! It was between two men!! I'am very kind and gentle!!Just not to that one man!IT was some time ago!!I was a younger man then!I have ben in may be 4 fights in all my years at bars and such!May be i fight every 10 years!!o.k. I do not go looking for trouble!!This is a seriuos matter to understand and not get the wrong idea!!That was the only time any ever brought the law into it !!I have been punished for my wrong doings and it's in the past! I live in the present ,learn from the past!!I tell you this so if you wish to know me it won't be a suprise to you when we exchange e-mails or addresses !!So if you wrote me and did not know this ,i'm sorry!!Please accept my appologies!If you wish to not talk to me any more i will understand!!If you wish to talk and be freinds,just be understanding!!This expereince did not make me th DarkKnight !!I'am maybe hardened in a sense!!But i still must share my Love with a maiden!!

I'am NOT looking for just a Pretty Maiden or a Maiden with Money!I QEUST for a Freind or Lover !!Lord willing, i will find BOTH a Freind and a Lover in the same Maiden!!!!Time will tell!!!

Well my lady freinds,it seems that some of you have wrote me more than one letter!!!If you wrote me letters,it will take me longer to answer because i must pay to open all your letters before i can write you again!!!Example! $4 a letter!If you send me 10 ,thats 40 just to send you one letter!One at a time and it's just $4 or $8 to open and then i can send you a letter!!!

I will up load better photo's,in a liittle while.

O.K, i think the site has changed the resilution on my photo's .I find more!I.m so very sorry about that!!

I will need some time to fill this out!Be pateint! PLEASE!


Ideal match description:
A "Lovely Maiden" to

Lovely Maiden

Should be self confident and independent.She should like hersellf and be well groomed .She would mannerly and intellegent.She would be kind and gentle and love the rain,and would love to walk with me in it!!She would love to smile and laugh.She would love to snuggle and be near her man.She would help when she could ,and does'nt mind getting a little dirty every so often.She would love to dress fine and go out to dinner and also like to dress casual and be comfortable.She would be a great freind!!!A fabulous kisser! Yes!Slow,Tender and Soft!She would enjoy a massage from time to time!She would be relaxed and easy going , I dont' know if she would be any of these things i will know after i meet her and get to know her. I would do many of the same things for myself and for her.

Also my dearest ladies ,be pateint for your freindships !! Share and get aquainted,but don't be to agreesive about marriage ! I know many of you desire LOVE and are very serious and wish not to dilly dallywith gentlemen! At the same time you must let your relationships grow and feed and nurture each other with welcoming information about your needs and whats!!It's like a life force of it's owe!!It must be fed and cared for !!In all so many ways !!Like a flower of sorts!It needs good soil and water ,not to much !!Sun light also ,just enough to energise and refesh it's needs and time!!Yes,Time ,is so very important!It needs time to grow !!Not one day but months and maybe years !!Who knows,you just have to keep nuturing it and wait for it to bud and bloom!!You wait and you'll find the proper way and time to do things !!Some ,all the time ,some every so often and so on and so on!! It's a priceless treasure to behold !!!!!We all hope to find this treasure, i asure you all!! Becareful you don't let it die before it has the time to grow !!Some times you see things growing that you would not like to tend to also!! then you must not destroy it but let it go!!!,go grow on it's own !!Yes!that is it!!I may Not know everything to freindships and love !!!But i must tell you this!!I have tasted the sweet nector of love and still enjoy the fruits of freindship!!But Yes!!I too! Still quest for the priceless tresure of freindship and companionship of love from a maiden!!I have spent may years nuturing and letting go at times ,searching for a freind and lover! I will find this treasure or die trying!!! Good luck lock were ever life may take you!

Please be patient with me, i will return letters as i see fit.It will be a couple of weeks before i can get more credits.I must appologises.


I will fill this in at a later date.
Please be pateint!!
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